Apr 1, 2024



Looking out the door, I saw a bird I had never seen before.

Hopping here and there, vanishing under a garden chair.

I waited, wondering, is it still there?

Patience was rewarded as out it popped again, chewing on something in his beak, tasty enough to eat.

I hoped it would stand still, so I could have a good look at this new visitor to our garden. 

Would it stay? Hard to say, as I had no idea what it liked to eat. 

I would hate to offer worms if it is much preferred seeds for a late supper treat.

Dusk began to drop when it took the final hop, over the fence and away. 

Sadly, I still do not know who came to call. I hope it returns when I have my camera ready. 

With one click, I can capture my unknown visitor, to share with others until someone can give us its proper name.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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