Apr 5, 2024



A woman I am: a decision-maker, it is true; stubborn, with swings of mood, fiercely protective and with laughter often bubbling free. A lover, a wife, a mother, not always without mistakes, I have to admit to quite a few.

From birth, I have the unspoken, sacred honour to help populate this earth, this human place. To nurture and strengthen the young to know right from wrong. Working dawn to dusk to help place food on the table.

When I can, I work hard to introduce an educational plan. I work to keep finances firmly in place, to sustain and secure a future, safer for my children, safer than mine.

As a woman, I long for the banishment of physical and mental abuse that some suffer behind closed doors, and for happiness and love to gently flow.

Other women have remained single, through health or choice; a different path they might have had to follow.

The pressure is on for women to have more say and influence at home. To contribute to the community and nation in numerous, previously unimaginable, ways.

With age, I hope to fade away, leaving a mark on this human time, departing with the hope of seeing again those I have so fiercely loved and have had to sadly leave behind.

2024 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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