Feb 2, 2024



Oh, Madeira, of dark sparkling diamante breast mists gently swirling, clinging, caressing your face with tenderness.

I've longed from memories of past childhood journeys, to explore your dark luxurious, folded, sea-dipped dress.

As I silently, admiringly, slip past your feet dipped in the ocean.

In ships bound for more exotic and distant shores.

In times past ancient mariners have sought with thanks-giving your protection and reprovision from food grown on your precipitous slopes.

A lifesaver you have been to many, standing proud, secure, welcoming the cold, wet, sick and shaking from the wild Atlantic sea.

Now times are changing you might need help from many like me.

Your population's exploding, buildings are eroding parts of your surface of its luxurious greenery.

Rain clouds are reluctant now, to keep colliding with your mountain tops to set their rain cascading free.

So visitors such as I, must help preserve and protect you for future generations to see with pleasure and retentive, reflective memory.

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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