Feb 9, 2024



Arriving at the station, historic it is true, there you wait in shining splendour for passengers new. Some have never travelled before in the age of steam now gone, so they board you with excitement, awaiting that rush of steam, joined by your whistle-blowing, saying it is time to move away.

Slowly metal creaks on metal as carriages you tug behind. Gathering speed with each puff of steam and traction on the line. A comforting chuffing sound with the odd whistle hoot, tells us you are travelling at the right speed and on time.

Through your old-fashioned carriages, folks can mingle chat, laugh and pass. Exchanging pleasantries about the journey and the countryside slipping past. Children are being held on to as they stick their heads out the window, blowing their hair and laughing away in excitement as we travel on. Sadly no longer allowed now it is true.

Around a bend, a station comes into view and you start slowing, applying your brakes till you shudder to an abrupt creaking settling stop.

Passengers who want to leave the train, stand up to hop off, allowing others to hop on. Your whistle blows and your billowing steam tells us we are about to depart again.

Reaching your final destination, I reluctantly say goodbye, but I will be back on another occasion for you to give me another exciting grand steam train ride.

© 2024 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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