Sep 27, 2023



When travelling in a Taxi we were told a wonderful story.

A gentleman told us, he used to own a motor car business, in a part of London, that was in constant threat of robbery and vandalism.

A friend said, ‘What you need is a dog, a fierce dog.’

So I went to the local dog’s home and asked for a fierce dog.

A staff member said: ‘There is one in cage number 2, on the left, he’s really mean.’

I wandered along till I reached cage 2, a streak of fur hurled itself at the bars snarling, lip curled back showing a good set of teeth and snapping incessantly, barking in between.

I stood looking at him and thought,

‘I do not need the amount of grief, you look like you might bring me.’

I went back to the office and asked. ‘Is there another dog I might have.‘

‘Yes, he is a bit wet though, no one wants him. He is in cage 8.’

I strolled along to give him the once over.

At first, I thought it was an empty cage and looked up to check the number.

Suddenly I saw a slight movement in the corner, a tightly curled up bundle of fur.

I called out several times before, there was movement and a pair of sad eyes turned towards me.

I knelt to ground level put my fingers flat on the bars and spoke gently to him.

At first, nothing happened, slowly he unwound and crawled along the floor and stretched his neck out and stuck his tongue, between the bars and licked my hand.

That was the moment our hearts, made that amazing unbreakable connection.

We had a wonderful life together and he turned out to be the best dog I ever had.

2023 © by Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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