Sep 13, 2023



Into the sun what fun, what fun!

After rain and wind and peals of thunder run.

Wrapped in woollens over summer tops, watching, seas angry thrashing spray.

Boats tossed around awash, with sail stowed away, tugging impatiently to be anchored up and underway.

Into the sun what fun, what fun!

As clouds cling reluctant to release, the mountain tops were hidden waiting to delight and please.

As misty clouds roll up and down, preventing the sun from shining brightly all around.

Slowly light starts slipping through, without the hint of a sound.

Into the sun what fun, what fun!

Its beam heats and starts to expand, as windows open and people appear hand in hand.

Discarding wraps for colourful shorts, white legs and tops, warming up with smiles, sports, laughs and lots of amusing little jokes.

Into the sun what fun, what fun!

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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