Sep 11, 2023



We were invited out to high afternoon tea, in a beautiful historic house near here.

We sat on a verandah with Wisteria winding up it’s posts looking out on a sun-drenched garden, at flowers showing off their beauty to impress.

Our table for six was draped in embroidered linen and napkins, laid with English China, covered in red roses.

The ceremony began!

When a menu appeared with teas from many countries to choose from, we never knew there were so many.

William Morris Teapots, with our individual choice of tea, appeared, for us to marvel at. 

We looked for the menus for the edible delights, after all that is afternoon tea without sandwiches and cake.

Our host advised us to please wait, "It is all in hand." 

We chatted and relaxed in the ambiance of the moment.

Suddenly a voice spoke! 

"Who is gluten-free please?" I replied "I am."

A three-tiered cake stand appeared by my side, with four delicate sandwiches with different fillings, three amazing small pastries, a raspberry mousse and crowning the top two small chocolate temptations and my very favourite a meringue. 

I was in heaven to have my own cake stand with gluten-free delights. I have never been so spoilt!

Normally I have to watch everyone else eating when invited to tea. Glancing around at the others I saw they had two three-tiered cake stands full of delectables to share. 

Delighted comments were passed to our host for such a thoughtful tea time and a romantic moment to treasure.

The six of us chatted our way through the whole wonderful afternoon and promised to return to partake of their equally delicious breakfast.

So here’s to the next time.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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