Aug 6, 2023



Mr Frog was out later than planned, and was hopping back to the pond when he heard a rustle and a call, “Help me, someone, help me!” 

With caution, he hopped nearer, pausing to listen. It certainly sounded like someone in trouble, but who? 

“Help, please help me! I am over here.” 

He hopped closer and saw a snail lying upside down on its shell. “Oh my, what happened to you?” 

“I was having a lovely munch on some fresh runner bean stalks, when I was plucked away by a big crow. I was terrified, as I could not see the ground. Another crow came and attacked the one carrying me, and he let go. I was falling, falling, then bounced on a small bush out into the open ground, upside down, defenceless. Can you help me?” 

“Yes, of course I can.” 

Mr Frog hopped around the snail, trying to see the best way to help. 

“I have got it. If I puff my chest forward, you can reach out and slide yourself upright again. Do not linger too long as I am ticklish, and your slime is difficult to wash off; no disrespect as I know you cannot help it. Let’s go; quick as you can, as those crows might be back to take both of us this time.” 

Mr Frog took a big breath to extend his chest, and the snail reached out and slowly slid upright again. 

“Oh, thank you, thank you.” 

“OK; enough of that. No time to waste; head for the pond. There is a big rock on the left, with a damp hiding place underneath, big enough for you to stay safe. I have checked you all over, and your shell is not broken, so you should be ok. I am jumping into the pond to wash this icky slime off. Take care; see you around.” 

With a couple of leaps, he disappeared beneath the lily leaves and, after a bit of thrashing around, settled under one, ready to capture for supper any stray insects which might be flying around. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Daniela Silvia Serban

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