Aug 16, 2023



Yesterday was an experiment, organized by Anna as mistress of ceremonies.

I just obeyed, doing retakes, with gales of laughter, when aircraft appeared off cue, as a distraction. 

My husband wandered past oblivious to us, talking loudly to himself puzzling out a plumbing problem. 

Portuguese steam began to rise, 'What is this? Just a few minutes. Ok! Just a few minutes.'

Not to mention me suddenly spotting a word which needed a tweak or removal, to make the audio flow more smoothly, to my ear at least. 

Plus the occasional stumbling over my tongue. 

Once complete, we settled to look and listen to our handy work.

In a serious voice, I asked Anna, 'What is that stick doing on the table?'

'What stick?'

'Take a look.'

Her face fell when she said 'We do again, you want that word change, I refused earlier. Now we can do it!'

'No, we can't, the cat who wishes to be mine would never be able to walk in on cue again. The stick and the word stays. It is a wrap.'

Laughter plays a big part in anything to do with us.

It looks as though you will have to suffer some more of these.

©  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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