Aug 28, 2023


My typewriter is more or less, behaving in a fashion of it's own. So I will try to carry on where I left off yesterday, after the fiasco of the rooms.

As we had arrived a day early, my husband and I set off up the street to investigate the village. We were accompanied by a wasp out on manoeuvres, to dodge it we jitterbugged up the street, till it found someone more interesting to follow. 

Walking in a more relaxed manner, we made our way to the seafront and a pond where the children were having great fun sailing their boats. A young dog barked wanting to join in.

Hunger pangs soon sent us in search of somewhere nice to eat. Accompanied by the strident seagull cries and their low above-head swoops, we found just the right place and had a delicious meal, quietly by ourselves.

Back at the hotel, I took the lift, while my husband ordered a paper for the morning. Leaving the lift, I found myself in the staff quarters and could see no way out. I re-entered the lift, back up to him. He looked at me with an amused expression. I said 'I thought I would come back for you in case you manage to get lost.'

The next day the rest of our friends joined us, to complete our sad mission, laying our dear friend to rest, in a nearby village. It was a beautiful day and everything went according to plan.

On our return to the hotel, we split up into two groups there were thirteen of us and set off for a walk. It allowed us to catch up on news, before returning to change for dinner. It was a very nice meal with good company, after which we retired to bed.

A lovely time was had by one and all. Not quite true, as the road outside the hotel was a one-way street, with cars parked along one side of it. 

Some late-arriving guests had the misfortune to have a breakdown on the free road. They had attempted to move the car the night before to no avail. A recovery van had been sent. In the meantime, no one could move the cars which they had parked there.

The decision to have breakfast was taken, we had such a hilarious time, none of us noticed the car being dragged back to the main road.

Soon it was time to say goodbye, see you soon have a safe journey. In beautiful weather my husband and I set off for home, only to be held up for ages at the Dartford Crossing.

Eventually, we made it and had a nice cup of tea while we sat and reviewed the extended weekend.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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