Jul 21, 2023




Yes, yes, it was you!

I knew it was you at the very first glance.

You swept me into your life entranced

Round and round with the very first dance.

Years have slipped by not all bliss, 

Just enough for me and you.

Money was tight and we had the odd fight.

Yet we loved well and stayed true.

Yes, it could only be you!

I knew at first glance,

Love moved in unexplained,

To last and last!

Yes, yes, it was you!

I knew it was you! 

At the very first glance.

You swept into my life,

Round and round,

With that very first dance.

Today we are back here once more

To celebrate all that has gone before

Memories we have treasured amongst friends,

As we glide across the floor

For our anniversary waltz together.

Yes, yes, it was you!

I knew it was you at the very first glance

Love moves in unexplained to last and last.

As you swept me into your life 

And around the floor at our very first dance.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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