Jul 13, 2023




In love, the seed of my beginning was planted in your land, bathed and nurtured and your wild weather, culture and music, stirring my soul, there ever to remain. 

No matter where I wander or how far, the name and culture of Scotland will follow me, your music continuing to calm and fill my heart with pride.

The other half of my beginning came from an adjoining land, England. Then, with instructions for my family to go overseas, there could not have been a better classroom to stretch an enquiring, attentive mind. 

Lands I could only dream of, people and customs, too, became precious to me, balancing my thinking of East and West to share the best with the world.

The strongest connections have been, as far as I can tell, truth, justice, honour, respect, peace and friendship. Without these as our united bonding, none of us will do well.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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