Jul 14, 2023




Two snails were out walking towards each other on a crack on the patio floor. Neither would give way to the other, as a certain word was called for.

The grey snail said, ’If you say the magic word I will let you pass.’

The brown snail replied, ‘That is a shame as I simply don’t have a clue what that word could be.’

The grey snail then replied,  ‘You learned it at your mother’s knee.’

Still, the grey snail would not move and the brown snail kept on pushing and pushing.

He begged, ‘Please, please, tell me the magic word as I am thirsty and I want to crawl home for tea.’

‘You have just said it! You have just said it!’ 

The grey snail said with glee, ‘Please is such a clever word and when used often, it will get you out of trouble you’ll see, you’ll see!’

The grey snail moved to one side and they passed one another, with the brown snail saying, ‘Oh thank you!’


A lesson here was learned. 

Good manners are for everyone including you and me.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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