Jul 31, 2023



One day a couple came to the kennels enquiring about a dog. Millie was brought out for yet another inspection. At first, she could not be bothered to show what a lovely dog she was.

She had had her hopes raised too often. However, there was something different about this couple. It was how they crouched down to her, and allowed her to sniff their hands before they touched her. Showing her respect, talking quietly and gently, perhaps this time it would be different.

She started to wag her tail, as they put a collar and lead on, before taking her for a walk around the grounds, to see how she behaved on the lead without other distractions. 

She began to raise her head, and walk more briskly; she liked this couple but did they like her?

On returning to the kennels, to her great disappointment, the collar and lead were removed and she was placed back in the cage. 

The couple left, but they did smile and pat her saying kind words. She sadly curled up in a ball in her cage ‘What am I doing wrong, why don’t they like me?’

She did not know that the couple had agreed to have her but needed to wait for her to be spayed. The operation and recovery would take about 2 weeks, then they would be back for her.

The day finally came and to her absolute delight, they arrived to collect her. She could hardly believe it. She was going to have a forever home. 

When she arrived at the house, she ran around sniffing everywhere, there had been a dog here once, but not anymore.

There was a large garden, a horse, cows and hens, there would be some adventures to be had. Millie knew at that moment, that she was going to have a very happy life with her new family.

There was only one problem, Millie had never learned to play ball or bring back sticks. Maybe in the past, she had been trained as a sheepdog, another reason why she loves long walks and runs.


When talking about Millie  being spayed. 

Spayed was written first, but a typo changed it to sprayed. 

Entirely the wrong word, the dog was not going to be sprayed by a hose pipe, as that would not solve the problem.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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