Jul 18, 2023



Love is on my mind, it is such a powerful emotion.

For generations, it has been talked about, written about, sung with musical scores about, painted and sculptures made about. 

It has been longed for, lost, rejected, and slow to appear.

At other times it arrives with a glance, a touch, a kiss that lasts a lifetime.

Amazingly love can move compassion across the World to people and animals unknown and unseen to us.

That is powerful! 

Its power is in how it affects us in our relationships through life, starting in the womb with our mother and later with our husband or wife and our children.

It is not plain sailing, jealousy, gentle letting go, total rejection and loss hang on this emotion called love. 

If not handled carefully can blight others over time.

Love is like sand in your hand, some sticks, the rest with no feelings left to slip off.

How does love fit in your life now?

What benefits does it give to you?

What care and knowledge about this emotion long studied and experienced called love, can you pass on?

See what a difference you can make in the name of love.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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