Jul 24, 2023




Hello, what a lovely bug you are. 

๐Ÿž I am not a bug! I am a bird!

No you're not; you’re a bug like me. 

๐Ÿž I am not a bug, I tell you. 

You look like me, though in much brighter colours and I am a ladybug. 

๐Ÿž Well I am not! I am a ladybird! 
Where did you come from to be so misinformed? I bet it was from that place called America. 

Yes, I am. How did you know that? 

๐Ÿž Because some of your ancestors left here and over there changed some of our words. How they decided to change my name to bug I will never understand! Most bugs are called ugly here. I am not. I am a beautiful ladybird. You must be hungry coming all that way? 

I hitched my way on a few ships, rested on some islands, never knew where I was going till I hopped off here. It looks a mighty fine place. 

๐Ÿž Why don’t you join me? I see something tasty over there. Just remember I am a ladybird and we will get on just fine. Don’t try to change any more of our words. 

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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