Jul 4, 2023



On a trip around the Bay of Islands, our guide told us a story about a big Clydesdale horse.

Once a week, weather permitting, since the lighthouse was built, on the end of Cape Brett, supply ships made their way to restock the lighthouse with supplies and to change the crews. 

It was an arduous task as everything had to be carried up the cliff face often in dangerous weather. Someone had the bright idea to lead a horse overland to do the hard work for them.

At first, it worked very well, till the crafty horse decided to hide in the bush every time the relief boat headed in for the lower jetty.

Why should he willingly work so hard, when he lived in comfort the rest of the time? He had a right old game evading capture.

In the end, the game had to stop as this was a serious business and an electronic hoist was put in place. 

What I would like to know now is, what happened to the horse? 

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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