Jul 17, 2023




The days arrived that I've always dreaded.

My arms aren’t long enough to get my needle threaded. I have to screw up my eyes till they are horizontal slits, trying to make out the constantly shimmering little blips. I try to manoeuvre till I am in bright light, but I have now to admit I am losing my sight.

So it is off to the opticians and it's glasses for me, long-range and short, two pairs it will have to be, so that, I don't greet total strangers as though they belong to me. I might then be able to keep a comfortable distance between myself and the TV.

If any of this is familiar to you, it is time you went to see who you know. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes; just don't scream too loudly, when you first have a glimpse through glasses of the contours of your face or catch sight of the marks on the kitchen's clean white surface.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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