Jun 16, 2023



Tell me what makes you happy. 

Tell me what makes you sad. 

Tell me what brought the greatest pleasure. 

When at the time the least you had. 

Tell me how it felt when an opportunity came within your grasp. 

When poverty and doing without slipped into the past. 

Tell me, did it change you? Tell me, did it make you a little mad?

Tell me, did you share it with those who helped you in the past? 

When did you think ahead? 

As this may not last. 

When did you start to tuck away a nest egg, 

A buffer for what might lie ahead?

Tell me how you have decided on the amount 

That will be enough for you and yours. 

Tell me, did you remember that charity begins at home, 

Leaving some to share with others in need?

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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