Jun 8, 2023



At last, your sweet unfurling, 

Bringing respite to my aching winter heart.

Your petals are free from blemish.

Vigorous with more bursting buds to bloom.

Bringing a chorus of bees and insects, 

Encouraging more roses to burst free.

Each year, I pick one or two 

To share with friends I hold most dear.

Allowing them the magic of wonder 

Brought by sweet-scented, beautiful roses

And memories from their past.

You are the first bloom and certainly not the last.

Till seasons change, 

Flowers drop and leaves take off in the blast.

So let us rest together and enjoy the time we have, 

Making new memories to last.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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