Jun 27, 2023



I awoke with nothing to show,

Except I could not move from my chest to my big toe.

Words spoken directly to me said this is how you will always be.

The fury, the pain, this has to be a game, it cannot be happening to me.

As I puzzled and daily struggled, hope died.

Let me slip away, fluids I refused to take to speed the process on.

I hated all around me, even though their accidents were mistakes.

I swore, refused to speak or think ahead to the future I had to meet.

One day a visitor challenged me to think again.

They had been damaged too, the only place left was the brain.

It is your sanctuary no one can access it without your permission.

They explained, how they decided to use theirs to study and do revision.

To help others, with all the time they had unexpectedly been given.

The biggest tool you have is knowledge learned to help others,

And yourself too, being a helper gives you hope and purpose.

Challenge yourself to live well and be useful again.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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