Jun 14, 2023




The rock did sit and contemplate 

The situation of the current state 

Glanced upon the shoot new 

Envious of how it grew

‘If only I could be your form 

That visual state is regarded as the norm 

If only the ability to evolve 

Then my quandary would then solve

The Lion viewed the fit Gazelle 

Glanced then thought ‘Oh what the hell' 

Chase, I will with no chance of capture 

Stuff goes on and full of rapture

The Eagle soars - don't know why 

Guess it just loves to fly 

Up above in a thing called the sky 

What the heck do I imply

The thought did think 

‘Let's put in ink' Reason? Don't know why 

The thought did grow so now shows 

The result when it does try

Upon the page did word for age 

Sit to have a look 

Just on screen? What do you mean?

It's babble for a Book!

And then did come to an Angel 

An Angel in human form 

Made practice of the saving 

Guess had done since was born

Penny a name that she took 

Later chose a voice 

In what does do have no clue 

Yet in practical rejoice

That Angel found compadre

Guess we all need one 

One in life and one in work 

When a new one has begun

All would benefit from a Penny 

Plus an Anna too 

An M and a B

Have you found the clue?

If only I could find the way 

To of them all say 

What amazing people 

Inspire? You are a Steeple!!

The gift of giving for the living 

Yet too shy to show 

So one will say it to them

For each of them do know

© Ian Wilcox

Photo by Pixabay

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