Jun 6, 2023



I want to be free, free of these perishing bugs that keep finding me. They have the amazing habit of dragging you down low. Changing your voice to a lower chord or two is unrecognisable to a friend. Making your nose run like the proverbial tap. 

Where does this stuff come from?

Its manufacture and distribution come out of nowhere and it chooses when to end. I wish I had the sense years ago to buy shares in the tissue market. Then, every time I see someone blowing their nose, or fighting a cold, I would hear the sound of money trickling into my bank account.

I just want to be free of these bugs, as they are absolutely no use to me. You would think by now we would have the magic pill to kick them into touch, to stop them bowling us over, in twos, or while we are enjoying a friendly group for lunch. 

It has no respect for status or if you eat the best or worst of food. The only barrier that helps, but does not cure, is around colds to wear a mask and keep washing your hands. 

Carry handbags and pockets full of clean tissues; when used, dispose of them as quickly as you can.I told you, if I had been sensible, I would be wealthy now, too. Instead, I keep getting bowled over by these wretched bugs. I just want to be free to plan my life without any interference from them.


This is how I have been feeling the past nine days, coming out the other side slowly now. So I thought I would record my feelings while they are fresh.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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