Jun 12, 2023



The first experience I had of bullying was when my young sister with special needs was bullied at our school. She came to me heart broken, sobbing that anyone could be so unkind to her.

I set off to challenge her tormentor’s, my advantage was my height, and my command and sting of the English language. She was not bullied again thankfully.

Nearer to home now, I know of three children who have been bullied. 

One the bully moved schools before action could be taken. 

The second was more serious and involved school, police, social workers, with the eventual decision being taken for the child to change schools. 

“Why can’t I be left to learn, all I want to do is to learn. I do not want to smoke or do drugs, or talk about sex, I love church, why do they want to hurt me?” 

With the other child I believe the bullying was handled within the school.

Why does anyone want to bully someone? 

Envy, Racism, Sex, to look tough in a group, to create fear and submission. No country is sadly exempt from bullying.

No one of any age or race deserves to be bullied. They must speak up, keeping quiet only causes the bully to continue to torment them and others.

Schools and work places are now quite rightly starting to increase zero tolerance on bullying.

If you see someone vulnerable to bullying, please try to befriend them, just doing that could deter some bullies. 

You might even to be able to report what you have seen, to whoever is in charge of the school or workplace. 

Then action could be taken to protect and support them.

Parents need to be vigilant of their children and any change in behaviour or sleep patterns. It might be the first indication you have that your child is being bullied. 

Complaints of stomachache, headache, bed wetting, or refusal to go to school. There are other subtle clues, as children struggle to understand what has and is happening to them.

As parents, family, friends, and workmates we need to listen to any one telling their stories about bullying or being made to feel uncomfortable at school or at work.

Everyone needs to know that we as human beings do not tolerate bullying in any form.

Please look out for the vulnerable, offer your friendship and support to break the bullying cycle.

The sad thing is, some bullies as adults are really ashamed of their behaviour of the people they bullied when they were young. 

If minds can be changed earlier perhaps bullying can be reduced. 

Talks by ex-bullies might be worth doing to explain how they changed.

Take care, be kind, share a smile or a story when you can.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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