Mar 22, 2023




Time seems to need stretching to fit everything in.
Time to wake up wash and change.
Time to have breakfast and listen to news from afar.
Time for caressing the cat that wants to be mine.
Time for my young man checking we are happily alive.

Time for my I-Pad to check messages that have trickled in.
Time to write new material urgently demanding to be written down.
Time to talk to friends all over the world sharing information and beautiful stories and rhymes.

Time for a lunch snack and maybe an unexpected short nap.
Time for more writing for a big story of mine, quite exciting if I can leave enough time.
Time to create a meal for us both and to watch the news on TV.
Time requested by the want to be mine cat, so I write with her cosily resting on my lap.
Time especially for my young man to watch a movie or a serial we planned.

Time to windup at the end of the day, a quite tidy up, and putting the cat out and in.
Time she does not understand as her owner is away.
Time to wash, change and sink into our marital bed.
Time to whisper our love and goodnight.
Time is slipping away for ever but thankfully not tonight.
Time fills up with normality for most retired couples as it slips on through.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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