Mar 16, 2023



The rattle of the tea cup.

The tinkling of the spoon.

The slightly steamy, inviting smell, 

Floating around the room.

Bringing feelings good and bad into view.

Collecting a group of friends and strangers,

To share stories personal or with a disconnect.

Some just to listen to, then conveniently reject.

Others keep repeating around and around in your head

Like an old movie; no matter what you do, 

You just cannot forget.

With an invitation to a second cup, 

You sit relaxing more and more.

Till time runs out and goodbyes are said 

As you walk out the door,

Leaving littered teacups behind.

Friendships renewed, 

Troubles hidden amongst the empty teacups,

Ready for washing up.

Till another invitation to one more 

Friendly tea time comes my way,

And I say yes to another cup of tea straight away.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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