Mar 18, 2023



It feels a different morning with the wearing of the green.

Hints of excitement and preparation for celebration of this ancient Saint’s Holy Day.

Yet everyone wants to get in on the action, starting with family gatherings for prayers in church,

To pay homage to this Saint of the Irish long gone.

Home for breakfast and to be dressed in their finery in cheery green.

To join the marching bands, to be seen and admired for the people they really are.

It is a celebration they long for and make special plans.

Songs newly written to join those from the past, as multiple voices raise glasses and join in with at least one national musical blast.

Fiddles played by all ages are impossible to resist; claps and stamping echo around the room.

Old friends gather for news and stories, which grow wilder as the golden nectar and laughter flow free.

Watching the young doing their Irish dances, faster and faster, the clogs’ hypnotic rhythm infecting the watchers, encouraging them to join in.

The odd scuffle breaks out, but is soon sorted with laughter and new friendships made.

Oh how the Irish love being Irish, and to be able to celebrate a great Saint Patrick’s Day memorial parade.

Wishing you all a wonderful St Patrick’s Day.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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