Mar 16, 2023




I would like to feel the touch of silk the warmth of cashmere.

I would like to see an opulence of gold dangling from my neck and ears,

I would like to have a credit card or two I can maximise without pain.

I would like a limousine awaiting my beck and call to whisk me to the next glass of champagne.

I would like the best table and food in the house wherever I appear.

I would like real conversation whispered in my ear.

I would love to hear real mean’t words of love when my man holds me near.

Yet none of this is for me as I huddle and dream in a dirty shawl begging bowl clasped tight.

Pleading for a coin to buy something to eat from those coming out the door.

Perhaps one day someone will see me and really understand and stretch out a helping hand.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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