Mar 22, 2023




Pussy cat, where have you been? 

I have searched everywhere and you have not been seen.

I went to London to call on the Queen.

She was not there.

Just an empty, ancient chair,

Waiting for the new King to be crowned and to sit there.

You better hurry, as Coronation tickets are in short supply.

If you miss them, you have to stand; there will certainly be no seat for you.

If you will take my polite advice, I would stay home.

There it will be much better by far to toast the Crown when it’s held high in the air.

Then celebrate with family and friends and let down your hair.

There is always a toilet when nature calls, not anxious queues seemingly a mile long.

No need to worry about transport home.

Just a few steps are needed to land safe in your bed.

Someone, I am sure, will be there to check and quietly close your front door.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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