Feb 13, 2023



When you are feeling down, and there’s no one around, try to put your problems back in perspective.

Pick up a polish spray can and, with a flourish, move towards a tabletop, big, flat and reflective.

On its top, you can erase, with your angriest swipes and most vicious rubs, dust and a mood.

The table can take it, as it is usually quite firm and robust and won't start complaining at your most vicious outbursts.

Remember, don't be quiet as you polish in fury; release your feelings by shouting and having a hooley.

Spray, rub, rub-a-dub-dub, chat as you go, reasoning it all out.

Ask a question. Don't wait for a reply, as you alone know the answer.

Keep moving on, to the cushions, give them a beat, a thump, a really good shaking before replacing.

As you start to feel calmer, keep going, with a gentler touch, around your tenderly collected and much more delicate stuff.

Your spirits will rise, spilling a few giggles and laughs from inside as the gloom starts to lift.

Then you can look around and see what your bad mood has achieved: a lovely, sweet-smelling, sparkling, gloom-curing room.

Well done! All power to your elbow and your polish spray can.

You have banished a mood, which could have hung around a while and stopped you feeling really quite good.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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