Feb 13, 2023




I watched her walk past each day, longing to approach her to start talking.

Courage failed me daily as I stood watching through the curtain, so she could not see my desperate longing and what a fool I could be.

My heart increased its beat as she walked by; my chest tightened with suppressed breath, fingers clenched in agony, at my failure, yet again, to speak.

The next day, someone said it would be Valentine’s Day.

I had to still my beating heart and take my chance.

Picking pale pink roses from the garden, ones my mother once grew with love, I waited.

I opened the door and strode down the path to await her steady approach.

I held out my roses saying, “Hello and a Happy Valentine’s Day to you.”

She stopped, startled, and gazed at me with her beautiful brown eyes, before burying her face in the roses, inhaling their scent for a long time.

Then she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, “Thank you. My husband, who is now sadly dead, used to give me pink roses every Valentine’s Day. Thank you so much.”

With the flowers hugged to her chest, she slowly moved on.

I made my way indoors, determined to say another hello to her tomorrow.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Cherished chocolate, not for me, until I have examined every ingredient scrupulously.

Otherwise, it could damage me. I need to have delights made gluten-free.

I envy those who can partake of every new concoction confectioners make.

The advantages, though, are small, when my waist does not seem to expand at all.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



Steam puffing out from the boiler outlet, curling it’s way up over the roof tops to dwindle away.

The hanging baskets dangling pathetically waiting their replanting day.

The fish pond frozen with strange ice patterns covering the surface.

Shrunken Water Lily debris trapped waiting for resuscitation in Spring.

Below hopefully the fish are still languishing swimming free,

Waiting for the sun and it’s ice warming rays, to release them to pop up to see me.

© 2023 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



When you are feeling down, and there’s no one around, try to put your problems back in perspective.

Pick up a polish spray can and, with a flourish, move towards a tabletop, big, flat and reflective.

On its top, you can erase, with your angriest swipes and most vicious rubs, dust and a mood.

The table can take it, as it is usually quite firm and robust and won't start complaining at your most vicious outbursts.

Remember, don't be quiet as you polish in fury; release your feelings by shouting and having a hooley.

Spray, rub, rub-a-dub-dub, chat as you go, reasoning it all out.

Ask a question. Don't wait for a reply, as you alone know the answer.

Keep moving on, to the cushions, give them a beat, a thump, a really good shaking before replacing.

As you start to feel calmer, keep going, with a gentler touch, around your tenderly collected and much more delicate stuff.

Your spirits will rise, spilling a few giggles and laughs from inside as the gloom starts to lift.

Then you can look around and see what your bad mood has achieved: a lovely, sweet-smelling, sparkling, gloom-curing room.

Well done! All power to your elbow and your polish spray can.

You have banished a mood, which could have hung around a while and stopped you feeling really quite good.

2023 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License