Nov 19, 2022



Use your imagination to relieve a difficult situation.

Don’t just look ahead, rotate your head and look around.

Circumnavigate your imagination, to create new occupations not just for you.

Gather friends in your neighbourhood and others in Zoom room consultations, far and wide.

You will be amazed at the sparking of the fusion of ideas being bounced around creating excitement right across the oceans into numerous rooms.

There are many ways new jobs can be created if we act together, thinking outside the box.

In each part of our population, the Aged and Able/Dis barrier can at times be reduced when able, allowing minds and hands to be active and proud to add their efforts to help many community situations.

They have minds full of imagination and historical recollections to tap into for help.

We need to utilize intuition, imagination and creativity to move us forward.

Attracting the funding to activate the sparks created into slowly gathering flames, ready to warm hearts and homes and help money to sit a little longer in the bank.

Imagination is a powerful thing, let us try using it, to reach our exciting potential.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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