Nov 28, 2022



I think of life like a rose...

The rose bush grows strong and produces leaves and then a tightly wrapped green bud appears.

The bud swells and slowly starts to expand.

First showing a tiny pure pink petal edge pressing through the green embrace like a baby's pursed lips.

Slowly expands further with a pink body unfurling a bit

Finally, it burst pristine in its glory, showing its stamens and pollen.

Ready for it’s date with bees and other insects to pollinate and release it’s new issue.

Lacking a voice it’s scent and beauty call all towards it.

Work completed, slowly the petal edges start to blemish and darken,

To curl and wizen losing colour and suppleness slowly twists into a crumbling resemblance of the beauty it once was.

Before dropping and falling into the soil to be broken down gradually.

There to provide nourishment for another generation of plants.

I feel there is quite a similarity between our lives and the Rose.


2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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