Nov 1, 2022



Oh, how I wish there were a spell to shake me up and make me feel better.

Not that I am really ill just that nothing is going very, well no matter what I do.

So I ponder on and on making and changing plans to find a way through.

I sometimes think I have a gremlin aboard, bound and determined to stop much of what I try to do.

Meetings carefully arranged somehow find a way of falling through.

Zoom calls timed from abroad, have storm disruption, poor connection and have to be abandoned, they do.

Updates arrive at inappropriate times, scrambling well-made plans into total confusion

Making five-minute jobs, turn into hour-long disasters failing completion too.

Oh, how I wish for a spell to clear all the mischief a possible gremlin to trying to do.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License

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