Jul 22, 2022



Hero’s all in uniform to protect, yet the heat fought to overcome. 

They held their ground battling to protect the homes of some they knew. 

As dwelling after dwelling engulfed in flames, roofs blackened by the flares collapsed leaving smoking ruins. 

The wind intent on destruction fanned the flames. 

As the firemen cursed and tugged on their water-filled heavy snaking pipelines. 

Is everyone out? The cry anxiously made, get everyone out! 

A fast head count showed all was well, as they were sent to the church for safety. 

Unknowing the fire was creeping through the graves, burning all that was not stone. 

A quick run up the Church Tower and the alarm was raised, as the fire made it’s way to the church door. 

Retreat by all was quickly arranged out the rear it was a close call. 

The hours passed before the flames started to dwindle, and the firemen gained control. 

It was then all could see the disaster of missing houses leaving great ruined holes. 

The village unity came into play, as neighbours gathered together, for support and early planning. 

Before some being settled in accommodation away. 

Vowing to stay united and rebuild their village, day by day. 

Out of the ashes, you’ll see one day the village that was nearly destroyed now living on for another day. 

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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