May 11, 2022



Do you ever sit quietly looking over a garden or a field by yourself, it is amazing the things you might see.

This happened in my garden yesterday when I had time to look.

It was a beautiful day, blue sky, sunshine, a light breeze and no need to cover my arms. 

The garden is a bit ragged at the moment, as we have reached the age where we now need help to keep it tidy. 

We have found a gardener who is coming this week to restore it to the garden we love.

As I settled comfortably into my chair looking around, a bee appeared and buzzed me before settling into a bunch of open flowers. I could hear it working away,,a pleasant sound.

Then to my amazement, a yawning fox appeared and settled in a patch of sunshine down by the wild pond. 

He looked as if he had had a busy night and just needed to relax and warm up before going to bed. 

He paid no attention to me, as I quietly watched. 

Where is Lily I wondered, hoping she was not on her way over for a visit or she would get a fright?

A loud honking noise made me look up as a lone goose, flew by. I wonder why he is on his own? 

Perhaps he has lost his way, as geese are flying in for the summer, to fill up with good food, mate and have a family. 

Just as well he did not decide to drop in here, or Mr fox might have been glad for a meal to have before bedtime.

A couple of beautiful butterflies floated by and a pair of pigeons started their morning conversation. After a while of real relaxation, I thought I ought to move. 

On turning around, towards the house I saw the big next-door cat, sitting in our walled garden peering intently into the fish pond at our one remaining goldfish. 

Thankfully she could look but not touch, as we had netted it, to protect our fish from cats, herons and birds. 

This fish was the last survivor of twenty-four, the others had died over time of old age, as we had had them for years. 

There is nothing quite like sitting with a cup of tea by a pond, watching fish swim past, or sleeping tucked under a lily pad, staying there with the odd switch of a tail.

I was thankful that Lily had still not appeared, as a cat-fight would have ended my quiet time, as Lily would have needed rescuing.

I wonder what you might see in your garden during a quiet time if you looked.

Take care, stay safe and have fun.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

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