Mar 4, 2022



A big green and brown grasshopper, flew in when the door was open a few days ago. We did not see it arrive, once spotted it placed itself up too high for us to catch it for release outside.

It is not welcome in our home as it manages to stay hidden for days and moves and hides in all sorts of places. That means we have to be aware of our visitor at all times of the day or night.

We have to make sure the bathroom and bedroom doors are shut at all times. Or else we might have a scary embarrassing encounter.

We have to check before sitting down otherwise it hops up your trouser or shorts legs. Starts us shouting and jumping about trying to shake it out again.

Sometimes it sits on a door handle or hand rail when you are about to open a door or to climb a stair. That shocks all of us grasshopper as well.

If we see it resting somewhere low down, we grab a plastic container and a piece of cardboard and trap it. Before gently lifting it up and rapidly putting it down the garden on a bunch of weeds, before retreating back indoors and shutting the door.

It is only then that we can relax in our own home, without being on the lookout for our elusive unwelcome visitor. 

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

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