Mar 8, 2022



We safely crossed the Canadian border and after arranging things for the night went straight into a night thunderstorm. At first, it was just dramatic thunder and lightning, dashing about in all directions. Both catch our fear, exhilaration and imagination with the drama.

The deluge followed crashing on our new mobile home's roof, I lay in my bed at the back, snuggly tucked in watching the performance. Suddenly a drop of water hit my face off the window ledge, then another, and another, quickly becoming a flow. 

I called out to my friends at the other end of the mobile, “I am being flooded bring a bucket and some towels please.” With the lights on it was plain to see the flood was coming out of a metal-studded seam in the roof's connection to the wall.

I said, “I will take a look outside and see what is going on, my raincoat is nearer and I am the tallest of us, to be able to reach the roof and see if we can do anything.” They agreed, then out into the tempest torch in hand, I carried out my inspection. The cause was plain to see a roof drain stopped short of the seam down my bedroom wall, sending a cascade of water directly into it.

What to do was the next problem? A flash of inspiration chewing gum, which my friends seem to have in copious amounts. My next instruction was for us all to start chewing, till I had enough to block the seam and construct a longer drain. Then out into the tempest once more, two of us this time, one to hold the torch, the other to be chewing gum plasterer applicator untrained. The third member of the team had to report from my bedroom if our efforts were effective and to keep chewing gum for more supplies.

After hard, wet, arm and Jaw aching work, a shout of triumph, it is stopping. Thank goodness for that, as we cast off soaking clothing and went to inspect the bedroom wall. The flood had dwindled to a slight ooze, enough to be handled by folded towels till morning.

Needless to say, sleep was in short supply and at the first light of dawn, cups of tea were in order, to ease aching jaws after the chewing gum marathon. To add insult to injury the sun rose brilliantly, not a storm cloud in sight. Just soaking wet towels and clothing as evidence of the Shenanigans in the night.

Our next stop was a mobile home repair shop to see what could be done as a temporary fix till the end of our journey and before having to make our way home.

One of many unforgettable trips I made with my friends Audrey and Collin Wallace. They have taken their final journal, one of which I have yet to travel. Sleep well and thank you for your wonderful hospitality and friendship. 

Every two years over a six year period I went to them for a months holiday and was shown large swathes of America, a bit of Canada, and a bit of Mexico. It was extremely generous of them and I retain the memories forever.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 

Photo: Pixabay License

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