Jan 5, 2022



I listened to the gentle poets of India, reciting poetry by the poets of England, from a long time ago.

When giants of literature met and spent moments together to recite and debate.

They raised their knowledge and ours of Milton, Shakespeare and Wordsworth.

Sharing thoughts of the strengths and weaknesses of each one, as the great ones did ponder about themselves in their day.

Listening, they introduced me to poets I new well when young.

Reintroducing me and tempting me back to read them again each everyone.
I also wondered, what gems of excitement the poets reading tonight,might deliver to share with us of their own.

What gems will they leave behind for generations to come.

Giving pleasure when read again, mulling over some of their conundrums.

© 2022 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen 
Photo: Pixabay License

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