Nov 1, 2021



My thoughts today are with any protracted illness. 

Exhaustion sets in, normal familiar relationships change. 

It is harder to laugh, have a normal conversation, be in another room. 

The yearning for someone to share the hours of sleepless nights, cook a meal. 

Yet no one comes knocking!

The guilt when hurtful words are spoken and immediately regretted as they were not meant, just exhaustion talking. 

Guilt at wanting free time away from the sickbed, to be yourself. 

Immense frustration and sadness at not being able to magic the loved ones' pain away and make them better. 

The desperation of both for sleep, circumstances various prevents them.

Yet strong love and memories keep them supportively together. 

Hoping for normal family times ahead.

This is a sad situation many are sharing with loved ones, some for weeks others for years. 

If you know anyone caring for someone during an illness,

Offer your help for a few hours to allow the carer time to sleep, go to the shops, the hairdressers, or a coffee outside.

Those who have been in this sad situation, know how wonderfully valuable such help is.

It is a gift which we can give easily and will bring them all great relief and peace of mind at the moment. 

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

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