Mar 7, 2021



It was an invitation that gathered six friends together for a social meal on a waning summer evening. Greetings and social chatter flowed between us. As we started the nibbles and the wine.

Our host and hostess busied themselves with tending the barbecue and setting out the accompanying dishes. Offers of help were refused, so we settled to await it’s delivery.

Admiring a newly planted garden, showing it’s advanced growth since our last visit to the new house. It was beautiful, with healthy flourishing plants, which in the dwindling day light, gave different shading, until the candles and outdoor lighting took over to break the darkness.

The silence of the night was only broken by the occasional cicadas and the big-voiced tiny crickets and of course us.

We were honoured by being introduced to the newest member of the family, a puppy to join a new kitten. She is called LuLu and was so placid and well-behaved amongst strangers. It gave the animal lovers amongst us a cuddly moment and a connection to dogs we had shared in the past.

The call came, ‘everything is ready, come and help yourselves.’

What a sight and what choices to make, needless to say, we had to try a bit of everything, how could you say no. It would be disrespectful to our hosts, as they had worked so hard preparing a wonderful meal.

Once we were settled, the conversation and laughter started, stories and shared memories were exchanged.  

We had a companionable halt to eating, before we were forced to chose again from the deserts laid so temptingly before us.

None of us could possibly refuse, they were too much of a temptation. After that we moved indoors to have our tea and coffee, till an unexpected bout of cramp brought the wonderful evening to a close. 

An evening to place in my memory bank as a keeper.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

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