Jan 29, 2021


My mind was drawn to the subject of writing today, fiction or nonfiction, which do you prefer writing or reading? I thoroughly enjoy both for very different reasons. 

Fiction gives me the freedom to use my imagination to create places, and characters showing them sometimes in the smallest details, how I want them to live, and when. I am also able to change with a flourish of my pen storylines if a new one appears, demanding a place in my story. Do I accept the challenge and rewrite a whole chapter, or banish it to be resurrected in another story. The choice is delightfully mine! I can be wicked, cheeky, caring, sharing, horrid, loving, opinionated, helpful, loyal, all at the stroke of a pen or a key.

Nonfiction is quite another kettle of fish, this deals with real life, mine or some else’s, known and shared with me, with their permission. Others requested a family member on the death of their loved one. This is sticking to the facts of the story. To seek and develop the hidden character, to tease the humour, to test sensitivity, to assist the subject to have an interesting story at the end.

Serious nonfiction requires hours of research, as you do not have the characters this work is about to tell you. You have legal guidelines to follow strictly. Yet it carries the excitement of the need to show others, what life was once like.

The times we are living through now, allow us great scope to use either, the choice is ours. Exercise your fingers and let’s go.

Take care, stay safe and be kind when you can to others.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 28, 2021



When we switched off the lights and turned, 

The moonlit up the night sky and bathed the still sea in silver, 

Picking out the red and green navigational lights like sparkling jewels.

One of those special moments, 

I just had to share with you all. 


© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Jan 23, 2021



I do not want to get up today, I’d rather stay in bed with dreams and stories floating around in my head instead. 

I don’t want to fiddle about wiping sleep from my eyes. 

Or rising staggering to and fro peering in the wardrobe to find something to wear. 

Especially as I have nowhere special to go today. 

I don’t want to get up, I really don’t. 

My phone rang a friend called, I was tempted to let it ring. 

But my curiosity had to win it always does 

‘Hello Barbara, how lovely of you to call.’ 

‘Penny could we meet up today.’ 

(Oh no I do not want to get up) 

‘I have lots to share with you, please come.’ 

That thing called curiosity raised it’s head again, I tried a feeble excuse, which was brushed aside with, 

‘you will be pleased to come when you hear what I have to say.’ 

‘Ok where and what time?’ 

Oh, how I wanted to stay in bed today! 

The bedclothes were flung off in disarray, as my legs were swung out of bed faster than they had in many a day. 

Head spinning, thoughts of which outfit should I wear. 

Which would be the most suitable for the mystery meeting. 

My wardrobe has many hidden choices from the ’60s ´70,s, ´80s, ’90s and if I remember there is one from 2020 as a Christmas present. 

Into the shower for the briefest of time, quick-dry, leaving bits I can’t reach still a bit damp. 

An underarm spray missed the first armpit by a mile. 

Calming myself down before spraying the perfume, to ensure no stain by accident on the chosen garment remained. 

Oh, I did not want to get up today. 

Shoes, jewellery, a handbag that one will do, as long as they match. 

At last glance how do I look? 

On arrival, I walk in and shake off the doldrums and shine with good humour and walk over to captivate my friend and a room full of strangers making them smile too. 

As I am a storyteller and where ever I go, I am invited to tell a tale or two. 

The surprise was then sprung, my friend had found a bulk buyer for my latest book. 

The shock was far too much I woke up, I knew I wanted to stay in bed today.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License 

Jan 13, 2021


I left home yesterday taking a neighbour's three-month-old puppy Ottie for a walk. I returned with the company of a cat called Eddie. 

No spell was involved in this changeover, just Otti’s mum who happened to come home earlier than expected, she picked up Ottie.

I walked slowly home as I needed the exercise. To be joined by Eddie the cat, who was looking for company, and an open invitation for a tummy rub and a chat, during which he gave a good demonstration of a pavement swim. 

Very funny to watch! On arrival home my husband asked in surprise!  

‘Where is the dog?’ 

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Jan 11, 2021



My name is Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen! 

Bird Fables is my first book about Birds and is the perfect gift for any bird lovers.

Bird Fables explores the unknown intelligence of birds from all around the world. 
From the extraordinary pigeons to the fantastic memories of Tui birds. 

It’s a wonderful tribute to birds. 

Team Bird Fables

Jan 3, 2021



I woke up in the morning, there had been a time changer.

The year had changed and it was a new situation.

The old had slipped into history no more rearrangement.

The new lay before us, waiting for written changes.

It's now open inviting pristine pages.

Will we cling to errors and destructive behaviours of the past?

Or reach out with hope, love, forgiveness and hard work

Making relationships and employment last and last.

Let us walk forth when able, with courage, new initiatives, while extending the hand of friendship.

To make a worthwhile impact on this New Year. 

Let’s do it!

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License