Jul 2, 2020


We missed this day by a whisker.
Goodbyes all said and done, as you sped away,
Out of sight, 
where I can no longer reach to touch or kiss you.
It will be hard to watch others blending with hugs and whispers,
Emphasizing how much I truly miss you.

Empty flower vases now stand, 
where blossoms were tenderly arranged,
Casting the scent of love around the room.
An absent card space, where our declarations of love, 
once sat for all to see.

Just memories to pull out, of flowers, hugs, whispers and kisses,
Confirming and celebrating this love of yours and mine.
Preparing for the day as yet unspecified,
When we can be joined again, for a very long time.
From your ever-loving Valentine.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay license

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