Jun 15, 2020




One, bitterly cold, windy day, while out walking my sister’s dog, along a seaside path, beside the main road, I felt an odd feeling down near my ankle. 

I took no notice and increased my speed glancing at the nose to nose cars. I bet they were thinking, glad we are in here and not out there with them.

The feeling happened again this time I paused to look down and to my horror, I was walking along holding a lead and an empty collar. 

Looking back there was Tiga, following me. You could almost hear her say this is a bit of a rum do. Her head and tail were up and her intelligent brown eyes looked a bit puzzled. 

I then took a fit of laughing at the spectacle we must have made for the Commuter traffic.

© 2020 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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