Jun 11, 2020


A mother and her little boy went for a walk to see some horses with their foals. 

After watching for a while, the little boy bent down, pulled up a tuft of grass, offered it to the horses calling.

‘Horsey, darling, come and eat, din, din!’ 

One of the older horses looked up, snorted and ambled over for the grass offered. 

The mother, held the child firmly, just out of reach of the horses full neck stretch as he offered his gift.

The horse gently searched for the grass with its warm velvety lips, puffed out tickly breath as it grasped the grass and began chewing. 

The child brushed his hands together, raising his shoulders in delight, glancing up at his mother in triumph.

All of a sudden the horse let rip a blast of wind from its rear end. There was a stunned silence. 

The child shouted:

‘The horse farted Mummy, he farted, he farted, pooh!’ 

He began laughing till he cried. 

He continued laughing all the way home and raced in to tell his father. 

‘The horse farted, Daddy he farted.’

 The merriment continued as other family members arrived for a visit and the tale was retold.

© 2020  Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License 

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