Dec 8, 2022



There is the desperation when caught up in a war and hate, while terror and weapons of destruction rain mercilessly down upon the innocent. 

When the denial of food, water and shelter are weapons of the cruelty of war. “Let us have peace, why are you doing this to us, we just want to live, in peace,” is the constant cry.

There is the bargaining and negotiating for years for peace, with hope hovering on the horizon, never giving up as there is too much at stake.

“Why can’t I be left in peace what have I done?” As once loving relationships slide into control, terror, tears and pain.

The plea for release from the constant battering of pain in illness, “take me I have had enough, l just want to be at peace.”

The calming of nature after the ferociousness and destruction of storms on land and at sea. Peace is the return of calm and the joy of survival, even amongst the devastation.

Then there is the other joyful peace, after a hard working day, as you enjoy the peacefulness of spirit after the accomplishment of a job well done at whatever level.

The joy of the birth of your newborn, and the plea for a night of peaceful sleep, as exhausted you rock them close.

The inner peace of being at one with nature and it’s restorative powers.

Peace means many things to many people, it is sought and cherished by many, even animals as they seek a peaceful existence amongst us.

Peace is far too valuable to tarnish and lose, combined hard work and unity by all is needed to protect it.

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Dec 4, 2022



Your news is tough to take, brings with it decisions to make. 

Look at every day as a moment of a new challenge. 

Do things you have left undone, as you perhaps never had time to get them done. 

Make a list, a sort of bucket list, to try things you might hate to have missed. 

Pace yourself as medication helps you along. 

Relax with music just before nighttime to ease anxiety and allow dreams to soothe. 

There is always hope in the most desperate of times. 

2022 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License