Dec 4, 2021



Can you sense my whispering?

A little song in your ear

Now that I am gone

Nobody else can hear

I'll just linger on and I am sure, you'll be fine

I did not want to leave see, that choice was not mine.

Cause it was my time,

Cause it was my time!

But I'll leave this behind

And I'm sure you'll find,

Cause it was my time.

I Am Here

I'll follow you to all the places we knew

I Am Here

All the memories we shared, yeah we had a few.

I Am Here

All the people have left, that we once loved and knew

But they live between me and you.

I just want to say, as time slips on by,

The love we both made, won’t fade away or die

See I know it will stay, I know it to be true,

Well be together one day,

I'll keep loving you,

Cause it was my time

Cause it was my time

And I'll leave this behind

And I'm sure you'll find

Cause it was my time...

I Am Here

I'll follow you through all the places we knew

I Am Here

All the memories we shared, yeah we had a few

I Am Here

All the people have left, that we once loved and knew

But they live between me and you.

© Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen