Oct 27, 2021



The future is always masked in mystery 

With folk unable or unwilling to see.

Many can see no further than here and now,

Yet in each country, 

town and village it is known to change is taking place.

Populations growing, droughts causing land and food destroying.

Flooding chasing those who can to seek other higher lands.

Political disagreement propel nation against nation,

Blasting into obliteration cities, towns, villages 

with mass evacuation? 

Refugees to be passed about and robbed ripe for exploitation.

Virus running free though the means to check them is available,

But misinformation incomprehensibly delivered by some is believed.

Condemning their communities to death with choking, 

gasping, fast-spreading deadly disease. 

Only at death's door do they start to implore for the vaccine 

they so callously ignored, now too late to receive.

As they are wrapped in their shroud 

and buried with few to mourn their passing.

Is that the future we seek? 

Is there a chance for change?

The time to act is now to save our planet the only one we have. 

Through the United Nations, 

the stark realisation has to be conveyed back

To all levels of our population, 

change is required and right now.

No plans to be watered down, 

they need extending if we want a chance to save the future

 for our children and their children’s future.

No man or woman can leave this world with wealth 

on their backs or in their hands.

We all leave as we came with nothing.

Can we not spend what wealth and effort 

we have now to save this blessed land.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 25, 2021



The light has gone from your day,

What is wrong?

The smile that always used to stay

Has disappeared now gone.

The songs you used to sing

Have lost their cheerful ring.

Nothing is so bad

To keep you down for long

Let me gather you close,

With kisses and hugs,

Return your face to the norm.

Nothing now is wrong.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 19, 2021



Skin no matter what colour just protects the functional elements in a tight hold. It is the heart and spirit which shares the goodness for others to find.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Oct 11, 2021



True love is not always the romantic heady kind. It is just as powerful when it is moved to care for someone, human or animal in dire need.

At the moment there is much need for that type of love in our World. It is heartening to see efforts being made to assist distress on a massive scale in parts of the World at the moment.

Not just by governments but by heartstrings being pulled at all levels of society. No longer can each country be treated in isolation, as this Virus is no respecter of boundaries.

We need to help and support each other to vanquish this scourge, as we did in times past. By answering the pulls on our heartstrings.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen
Photo: Pixabay License