Sep 23, 2021



It started with a tickle in the nose, 

And a sneeze or two. 

Advancing on to a constant drip,

Before growing to a faster flow.

My immune system gathered up speed,

To battle a virus that dared to invade.

Reducing my diction to a squeak,

Hearing to a dulled-down sound. 

No crystal clear, distinctive normal ring.

“Could you repeat and louder speak please?”

The torrent started to thicken up.

Nose blowing, and awful coughing noise begins.

So others know it is a cold you are growing.

Friends stay away to keep this bug's friendship at bay.

You tuck yourself in, to prevent sharing.

And dose yourself with all you can.

Till the throbbing, and coughing stopped.

Your nose clears and your chest expands.

Battle won till the next time, it arrives unplanned.

2021 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Sep 8, 2021



William Shakespeare, the Bard, many have the compulsion to read, his works at least once.

Others fail to see the gems laced within the pages, waiting for scholars to reveal their worth.

Yet others learn and recite word by word and line by line, stretched over a lifetime.

More in trepidation take to the stage, to enact the scenes he had meticulously created for actors to add excitement and colour too.

To capture new audiences, to keep the tales of Shakespeare the Bard, as fresh as when from his pen they rapidly flew, to capture the imagination of many.

2021 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License