Aug 19, 2021



A Chief was very worried, he had to make a big decision for his tribe. They looked up to him, he could do no wrong, 

He was a hero. He felt there was too much pressure for him to carry, so he went to the sea.

He swam on the surface breathing slowly and deeply, trying to clear his thoughts.

It did not seem to work, so he took a deep breath and dived.

Swimming slowly through the seaweed beds, swaying on the ocean floor.

Suddenly he saw a seahorse, clinging upright to a weed trying to hide, to be ignored.

The chief called out to him and said: ‘How are you my friend, may I hitch a ride with you?

The sea horse said neither yes or no and brushed against him.

To the chief’s surprise, he found he had magically shrunk in size. He could ride with the seahorse swinging in and out with the tide.

As he rode he pondered the problem, much smaller now due to his shrinking. He realised, perhaps instead of being the all-knowing mighty one. He had to share the problem with everyone in the tribe. It was the best solution.

He thanked the sea horse for it’s company as it silently moved away. He pushed back up to the surface into the light of day.

Sharing his problem, the tribe grew in strength with added responsibility and pride.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 17, 2021



Grace by name goodness by nature. 

She baked night and day to give cakes and biscuits away. She would open her tin, and share baking hidden within. One at a time they were given away.

Dull eyes shone, as the delights hit the tongue, provoking taste and memories, of times long past, leaving smiles to linger on.

Grace never did partake, it was for others, she steadily continues to bake. Leaving the magic of companionship behind.


This is a true story about a lovely quiet lady, using her delicious shortbread biscuits to open up a conversation.

2021 © Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License

Aug 1, 2021



The evening began with music I did not know.

The magic started as the Cole Porter tunes swung into play,

The Jazz gripped the room and listeners started to sway.

Many taken back to their youth so far away.

Voices softly joined in the lyrics well known.

Remembering times long ago when in a Smokey room,

Love touched them with these beautiful tunes.

Memories to take away and enjoy another day.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License



The samba and rumba’s had us swaying in our seats,

Music connecting each part of us with the hypnotic beat.

All thoughts left our minds as we were encouraged 

To lose ourselves in the rhythm.

Till the body’s swaying, eased all intruding thoughts away.

The drums called us to let go, and clap along.

While the piano added drama to the night

As the singer drew us in, when she started singing some familiar songs.

We could have stayed all night if the lights had not been dimmed,

Sending us out into the moonlight, 

Taking tunes to sing in harmony another day.

© 2021 Penny Wobbly of WobblingPen

Photo: Pixabay License